Details of Topology of Memory Quilt, 2014-2015.
160 x 253cm, Merino Wool, Silk, Stainless Steel & Silk Thread, Felt Balls, Natural Dye, Digital Print, Stitch, Nuno Felting
This quilt was part of the 2015 exhibition Labours of Love: Australian Quilts 1850 - 2015 at the Hazelhurst Regional Arts Gallery, This exhibition was curated by Louise Mitchell and includes historic and contemporary quilts from NSW. The sold out catalogue can be downloaded in full from this link.
Topology of Memory is physically embedded with my personal memories of childhood summers spent on my family's Riverina property. Patterning and textures convey an abstract narrative, each stitch a re-membering.
The work propelled an awareness of privilege that was built upon unceded Wiradjuri land, and the systemic, ongoing privileges that are generated from that perceived land ownership. This reframing has changed the way I understand myself as a white woman living in Australia and the importance acknowledging this position in my practice and teaching.
For further stories about the inspiration and making of Topology of Memory join me over here at Stories of the Quilt and read the article Nature, First Nations and narrative: Emma Peters’ textiles pay homage to country by KAY HARRISON.